Thursday, August 27, 2015
1:00-1:30pm EST
Executive Webinar: The New Employer-Employee Compact & How to Leverage it
Presenter: Vincent Suppa, HR Avant-Garde Founder
Join NetCom Learning trainer, Vincent Suppa, along with business and technical training leader NetCom Learning for a complimentary webinar to gain a definitive and practical understanding of The New Employer-Employee Compact & How to Leverage it.
In This Session, We Will Cover:
» Distinguish disruptions that can wipe out your competitive advantage from those that partially challenge it.
» Replace traditional marketing demographics with new variables based on “customer intent groupings” to defend disruptions.
» Five barriers to disruption ranked by effectiveness.
» Q&A with Vincent.
For more information and to register: Executive Webinar
Featured Speaker: Vincent Suppa, HR Avant-Garde Founder
- CEO of HR with business literacy in finance, strategy & technology.
- Efficiency expert with operational experience in Hi-Tech, Telecom, Health Care, Non-Profit & Government sectors.
- Former founding SHRM chapter President.
- NYU graduate professor.
- SarderTV speaker