Webinar: 10 ways to Measure the Impact of Learning for the Ultimate ROI

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Thursday, August 31, 2017
1:00-1:30pm EST

Executive Webinar: 10 ways to Measure the Impact of Learning for the Ultimate ROI

Presenter: Vincent Suppa, HR Avant-Garde Founder

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Join HR Avant-Garde CEO and NYU Professor Vincent Suppa, along with Managed Learning Services leader NetCom Learning for a complimentary webinar on “10 ways to Measure the Impact of Learning for the Ultimate ROI”..

Human Capital is now recognized as vital to thriving organizations in their drive for international competitiveness.Through this complimentary webinar you can discover what Fortune 500 companies are using to Measure L&D Effectiveness along with a cost-effective and rigorous ROI system.


» State of learning and development – current scenario
» Paradigm shift in learning
» Why is ROI important
» Ten ways to measure learning impact and achieve high ROI
» Q&A with the speaker

For more information and to register: Executive Webinar

Featured Speaker: Vincent Suppa, HR Avant-Garde Founder

  • CEO of HR with business literacy in finance, strategy & technology.
  • Efficiency expert with operational experience in Hi-Tech, Telecom, Health Care, Non-Profit & Government sectors.
  • Former founding SHRM chapter President.
  • NYU graduate professor.
  • SarderTV speaker